Subway Love
The ICC class subway cars were ‘Self Driving, Independently Computer Controlled.’ There had been self-driving cars for years. Why not subway cars? The programing was simpler; Just go safely forward.
The ICC class subway cars were ‘Self Driving, Independently Computer Controlled.’ There had been self-driving cars for years. Why not subway cars? The programing was simpler; Just go safely forward.
Pierre now cooked especially for her. The other patrons did not suffer. Their food was always of the highest quality, but hers was magnificent. Other tables noticed the difference and gossiped.
“If you’re making waffles, Who is that in our bed?”
“The Prince told this transformation tale to the Kingdom’s Wise Men, Advisors, Soothsayers and Astrologers. They all came to the same conclusion; It was an updated Cinderella story.”
Through the swirling ice and snow, he spotted a woman lying on the ground. In this weather that was sure death. He knelt down beside her. She was barely radiating.
“Save me,” she whispered.
“That’s only in the movies,” said Number One Son. “We are from the books. We were next to each other on a shelf in Cincinnati. We got out because of cracked spines.”
“For cracked spine see chiropractor. Not Chang.”
Richard saw all those White Swans, floating across the stage, and fell in love. He wanted to eat them up. He saw only one way to do it.